Logo and collateral materials for the Johnson City Public Library's Artful Aging Program

Intersection mural design and painting- a public collaborative neighborhood art project. Community input from concept to implementation made for a mural that neighborhood folks ages three to 83 could feel a part of.

Trade ad conveying Coke's breadth of product lines.

A quirky campaign to encourage people to try a Southern favorite— Boiled Peanuts.

Poster created for the Southside Neighborhood Organization to show community support of revitalizing the defunct Model Mill. Local Mill supporters took selfies and submitted them to be used in this piece.

A unique design project for famed experimental artist Bryan Lewis Saunders. Cassette cover and booklet designs for The Confessor"– a book on tape composed of 24 album chapters on 12 audio cassettes. With each album serving as a chapter, over 24 musicians and experimental sound artists created music for the unconscious epic poem by Bryan Lewis Saunders. "The Confessor" was created from app. 30 nights of somniloquy and dream descriptions. Poem and Book on Tape (Stand-Up Tragedy 2011)